Daily 3 Results
There are seven ways to play Daily 3 and forty ways to win. Choose three numbers from 0-0-0 to 9-9-9, select the amount you want to bet and choose the play method from the seven options below: In Line: your three numbers must match the three winning numbers in the exact order. Example: Winning Numbers: 1-2-3. Your Numbers: 1-2-3. Indiana (IN) Daily 3 Midday Numbers & Results. Check Indiana (IN) Daily 3 Midday winning numbers and results, monitor IN lottery jackpots, and see the latest news on all your favorite IN lottery games with our mobile lottery app! Get a Pick 3 playslip from your favorite Texas Lottery ® retailer or create a play using the Texas Lottery App. Pick three (3) single-digit numbers from '0' to '9' or mark the 'QP' box and your numbers will be selected for you. OR, simply ask your lottery retailer for a 'Quick Pick' and the terminal will pick all your numbers! Look for PA Lottery results: You can check PICK 3 Lottery results by watching the PICK 3 day drawing on the PA Lottery website daily after 1:35 p.m., watching the PICK 3 evening drawing nightly at 6:59 p.m. On TV or streaming online, checking our website and official mobile app, and subscribing to Lottery RSS feeds.
Daily 3 Results For Wednesday
All Draw game prizes must be claimed at a Florida Lottery retailer or Florida Lottery office on or before the 180th day after the winning drawing.
How to ClaimView the drawings for Florida Lotto, Powerball, Jackpot Triple Play, Fantasy 5, Pick 5, Pick 4, Pick 3, and Pick 2 on the Florida Lottery's official YouTube page.

More than $38 Billion and Counting!

The Florida Lottery has transferred more than $1 billion a year for 18 consecutive years to support education in our state; more than $38 billion in total since start-up. Learn more about the Lottery's commitment to education.
Read MoreMidday
Winning Numbers:
Monday, February 8, 2021
Number of Winners:2,888
Midday Daily 3 Results
Winning Numbers:
Monday, February 8, 2021
Number of Winners:1,331
Please note that every effort has been made to ensure that the enclosed information is accurate; however, in the event of an error, the winning numbers and prize amounts in the official records of the Florida Lottery shall be controlling.
How to Play
- Pick up a Daily 3/Daily 4 play slip at your favorite West Virginia Lottery Retailer.
- There are five panels on a slip. You can play one panel or all five. Begin with Panel A, select Daily 3 in the game section.
- Select your wager amount. ($.50 or $1.00) The game type Exact/Any is $1.00 only.
- Select a game type. If you need an explanation of the different types please see the chart in the “PAYOUT” section of this site.
- Select 3 numbers between 0-9. Mark the appropriate boxes on your slip with black or blue ink. Please do not use red.
- You may have the computer randomly select your numbers for you by marking the “Easy Pick” box.
- Hand your marked play slip to the store clerk and you will receive a ticket with your Daily 3 numbers on it. You must purchase your ticket by 6:49 p.m., ET. the day of the drawing.
- Watch the Daily 3 drawing on your local television station or check here on our site the following day to see if you’ve won.
- For more information on whether your numbers won or not click on the “PAYOUT” link to the left.