Cranberry Keno
The Kensico Dam was built under the old dam that formed Lake Kensico, using stone taken from the adjacent Cranberry Lake Park. More electric power was applied for its creation than any other construction work for the Catskill water supply. The crushing plant at the quarry was the largest ever placed on contract work, and a railroad was built solely for the purpose of carrying debris from the construction site to landfills. Overview Information Cranberry is a type of evergreen shrub that grows in bogs or wetlands. Cranberry is native to northeastern and northcentral parts of the United States. The Cranberry Marketing Committee (CMC) promotes the worldwide use and consumption of US-grown cranberries. The CMC was established as a Federal Marketing Order in 1962 to ensure a stable, orderly supply of good quality product. Winning numbers are drawn approximately every four minutes. Players select from 1 to 12 numbers or “spots” for each game. A computer then randomly chooses 20 winning numbers from 1 to 80 and displays them on a Keno monitor. Keto drinks aren't limited to water, tea, and coffee. Here's how to enjoy low-carb soft drinks, alcohol, and even hot chocolate and lattes on a keto diet.

Is some fruit better than other?
There is fruit where the juice has less sugar than other fruit juice. Plum for example is very high in sugar if you for example compare it to apple. Yet, as already mentioned above, apple juice has as much or even more sugar than Coke.
For example, a 8 oz glass of 100% apple juice (unsweetened) has usually around 30 grams of carbs and will have at least 110 calories. Orange juice (8 oz) that is 100% and unsweetened has also at least 110 calories and around 25 grams of carbs (or higher). An 8 oz glass of regular Coca Cola has 110 calories and 31 grams of carbs (30 grams sugar). You can lookup the nutrition facts of many of these products and juices, etc. on

What about some of the low-carb fruit juices?

With the increased interest of people in low-carb diets like Keto or Atkins, the manufacturers of juices have started to provide supposedly low-carb fruit juices. One such well-known product is the Trop50 orange juice by Tropicana.

Looking at the nutrition facts, you can clearly see that you indeed are doing much better. An 8 oz serving of Trop50 has around 50 calories and 13 grams of carbs (10 grams sugar). Yet, you do not drink 100% orange juice in this case. The label clearly states that you are drinking 42% juice. The rest is other ingredients that you typically don’t find in pure orange juice.
Cranberry Keno
From a pure carb and sugar perspective, these types of juices certainly are better. Not necessarily good but better overall.