Charity Bingo
Bingo is legal in South Carolina to allow nonprofit organizations, licensed by the SCDOR, to generate funds to support their activities. The nonprofit organizations contract with a licensed solicitor and/or promoter to manage, operate, or conduct a game. Bingo cards can be easily purchased online or from charity supply companies. It is not too difficult however to make and print your own using a simple grid system. 10 - 14 numbers per card is normal. Most bingo sets use numbers 1 to 100. Choose your numbers carefully to include a good spread over the card.
Charity Gaming Forms
The new forms listed below comply with the new statute that took effect on July 1, 2019.
QUALIFICATIONS (Your organization must first qualify to be eligible to conduct any charity gaming events)
Form Identifier | Title |
CG-QA | Qualification Application |
ANNUAL ACTIVITIES (License issued for a period of twelve (12) months)
Form Identifier | Title |
CG-AL | Application for Annual Activity License |
SINGLE ACTIVITIES (A one-time activity)
Form Identifier | Title |
CG-SL | Application for Single Activity License |
CG-EN | Exempt Activity Notification |
CG-FES | Application for Festival License |
CG-CVN | Application for Convention Raffle License |
CG-CCA | Candidate's Committee Application |
Form Identifier | Title |
CG-SCHEDULE A | Operator Attachment |
CG-SCHEDULE B | Worker Attachment |
CG-SCHEDULE C | Bartender Attachment |
Form Identifier | Title |
CG-AM | License Amendment Request(s) |
CG-CO | Current Officers |
CG-EXP | Expedited Application Request |
CG-NPA | Non-Member Participation Approval |
CG-VTA | Volunteer Ticket Agent |
CG-SP | Special Permission Request |
Form Identifier | Title |
CG-AL FR | Annual License Financial Report Use for - Expiring Annual Activity License |
CG-AL GR | Annual License Gross Receipts Report Use for - Expiring Annual Activity License |
CG-SL FR | Single Activity License Financial Report |
CG-SL GR | Single Activity Annual Gross Receipts Report |
CG-DIST | Charitable Contribution Distribution List |
CG-INV | Ending Inventory Statement |
CG-DTL | Inventory Destruction, Theft or Loss |
CG-ESR | Event Summary Report |
ESR-DWM | Raffle Board Daily Weekly Monthly Event Summary Report |
ANNUAL AFFILIATE (National Organization/National Foundation only)
Form Identifier | Title |
CG-AAL | Application for Annual Affiliate License |
CG-AFF | Affiliation Attachment for Annual Affiliate License (AAL) Applicants |
CG-ALL FR | Annual Affiliate License Financial Report |
CG-AN | Affiliate Notification |
CG-AN ESR | Event Summary Report for Affiliate Notification |
CG-CO | Current Officers |
Form Identifier | Title |
CG-MA/DA | Manufacturers and/or Distributors Indiana Gaming Card License Application |
CG-MDQ | Manufacturer and/or Distributor Quarterly Report |
CG-MDNF | Manufacturers and/or Distributor 'Change of Ownership' Notification |
CG-MDA | Manufacturers and/or Distributor 'Gaming Card License' Amendment Request |
Charity Bingo
by Emma Madison
Charity Bingo is one of the most popular fundraising methods today. Because charities are so important to many players, they prefer to play charity bingo when playing land-based bingo.
Today more people are informed and conscious of helping others. Most charities have their own websites and some even advertise. To some businesses and celebrities, donating money to charities has become an important marketing tool. Fortunately, to many people charity bingo is still a sincere way to aid those in need.
Most bingo halls cater for a specific charity or group of charities. Players donate money by buying their bingo cards. Charity bingo is also a fun way of donating money – players get value for their money by having the fun and entertainment of playing bingo.

Many charity bingo halls also offer great prizes, and sometimes even cash prizes. These prizes are important, because it serves as an incentive to players to buy more bingo cards.
Other incentives include free food like popcorn at doors, or receiving a free bingo card after purchasing a certain number of cards.

Of course playing bingo is not all charity bingo is about. Some charity bingo halls offer much more. Most charity bingo halls sell food and drink. Many are equipped with a full bar! At some charity bingo halls you can buy hot-dogs, burgers and fries. At some you can even buy a full catered buffet if you come early.
There are also opportunities for bingo lovers who want to do more than just donating money by playing bingo. Most halls are always in need of volunteers. Charity volunteers do work such as selling cards, circulating around the floor and/or from a booth. They count the number of players, check the winning numbers and keep the tables and ashtrays clean. They also help to clean at the end of a charity game. Some can even act as callers and gain valuable experience!
For those bingo players looking for something more than just a charity bingo game, there is rock %26 roll bingo. Rock %26 roll bingo is hosted by celebrities and rock stars. Some of the celebrities are Tom Morello, guitarist of Audioslave, and Flea, or Michael Balzary, from Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Charity Bingo Louisville Ky Schedule
When choosing a charity bingo hall to play at, bingo players should be careful. Most charity bingo halls are registered charity bingo halls and must be able to prove their legitimacy, as most charity bingo halls are registered.

Charity bingo plays an important role in our society as it provides many with an opportunity to do something for others in need. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Charity Bingo Hall Schedule
Emma Madison has been an online bingo fanatic for over 7 years. She has written many informative and original articles for the website including information on charity bingo.