1923 Silver Dollar Value
A common question we are asked about US silver dollars is - The value of the 1923 peace silver dollar is similar to other common dates dollars such as 1922 when in circulated condition. Like every silver coin (or collectible) the price is determined by supply and demand (and the price of silver).
Take a look at the attached Silver Dollar Price Guide and check list chart. It contains coin mintages and values for most United States Peace Silver Dollars in circulated condition and (some in) uncirculated grades.
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this Silver Dollar price guide and inventory checklist chart.

Current silver melt value. for a 1923 S is $20.68 and this price is based off the current silver spot price of $26.74 This value is dynamic so bookmark it and comeback for an up to the minute silver melt value. Want to join CoinTrackers and Track Your Coins 100% FREE? The 1923 silver dollar with no mint mark is worth around $25 in very fine condition. In extremely fine condition the value is around $27. In uncirculated condition the price is around $30 for coins with an MS 60 grade. Uncirculated coins with a grade of MS 65 can sell for around $100.
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Peace style silver dollars were minted in most years between 1921 and 1935. This silver dollar value guide also lists all the years and the various mintmarks, as well as the number (quantity) made in each year that a silver dollar was minted. The left hand column can be used as an inventory checklist to mark the coins that you own, or want to buy.
Keep in mind that the mintages don't reflect the quantity of silver dollars that exist today. Many United States issued silver dollars were melted by the government years ago, and it is unknown how many of each date remain today.
1923 Silver Dollar Value Paper
We hope you find this silver dollar price guide useful.
Prices represent an average market price at the time this price guide was made. Market prices change daily, and there is always the chance of typographical errors when making a price list. There is no warranty expressed or implied that all information is 100% accurate. Please do not make any buy, sell, hold decisions based solely on this chart. Used multiple current resources when making such investment or purchase decisions.

You are free to print and use this price guide/checklist for personal use only. All rights are reserved. Note that this document can not be republished, sold, copied, or claimed as your own.